Well, this weekend all started Thursday when I went to the East Stake Center to help Leslie set up for the reception (actually all the prep started earlier but whatever). I wish I had pictures of her adorable polka dot tablecloths and her tents with colorful paper lanterns. Leslie is so creative and she planned and carried out everything all by herself! Later that night, Leslie took us bridesmaids out to dinner and then we finished setting up the reception.
Friday morning, Leslie and Jason were sealed in the Fresno Temple. They looked absolutely perfect for each other. We then took pictures outside of the temple, had a luncheon at the Sierra/Fowler building (the McOmber family hosted it and the food was great!), and then we took more pictures at a member's beautifully landscaped yard. While I was posing for photos, what was Jeremy to do? No worries -- he was busy helping the photographer hold the light reflecting screen things. They loved his work and his willingness to help!
Towards the end we loaded all the presents into a van (I was getting itchy fingers at all those pretty and big gifts!), then we were very ready to say goodbye and good luck to the bride and groom and head home. After a group watched them drive off in their decorated car, we got into our own car and rode off into the night.
I was never one who extremely enjoyed going to weddings or receptions (it tends to make single women feel even more alone), but I have always loved being a part of the wedding party and seeing the joy of the families and couple. Looking back I feel really bad towards my cousins and other family or friends who have been married because I didn't understand the excitement or significance of weddings, especially temple weddings. Now that I have experienced the excitement, the nervousness, the stress, the wonderfulness of it all, I have noticed that I am much more understanding of what people are going through. For Leslie's wedding I couldn't wait to hear her talk about her ideas and decisions or help her get everything ready. I know I can't change the past, but I do wish I could have done the same and been more excited and understanding for past weddings.
The point of this post? I'm not even sure but I do know that going to weddings as a married person definitely makes me feel happy that I am married and reminds me of all the wonderful feelings that we felt almost a year ago. Instead of being a reminder of being single, weddings are now so romantic! Also, I figured it was time for an update and this is the most significant thing that has happened in our lives lately. The reflection at the end of this post is kinda apologetic and silly but it's nice to get my feelings out there. I'm sure I'm not the only post-wedding mind changer! Plus, I'm tired of all the anti-Prop 8 stuff happening, so with that it's time for more pictures.
Oh I miss 12:01 like crazy!! Such fun nights =) Leslie looked so perfect! I love her dress! And you make one beautiful bridesmaid my Jae! LMHK!!
Thanks lovie! So I was transfering birthdays from my 2007 calendar to the one I just bought for 09 (That's right! I was calendar-less this past year!) and I realized that I totally missed your birthday. What an awful friend am I?! This is what I get for not having a myspace or facebook to remind me! I hope that your birthday was perfection! If I was in town I would totally throw you a supremely belated party. Shame on me. Please still love me! lol. I lahve you! Muah!!
Awww... what a cute couple... I was talking about you and Jeremy! But the couple that got married is adorable too! What a cute dress she chose...not at all traditional, but so smart! I love it. And don't feel bad about the past.. afterall, how old where you when I got married? Like 9 or something! Honestly, you probably couldn't even fathom kissing a boy! Yuck! Right?! hahahahah
You hair is so dang cute.
Janice - you and Jeremy helped so much through the whole event. Thanks for everything!!!! And, I truly mean it. You both did so much and I appreciate it. From decorating, to clean up, to helping the photographer, to being a good friend and support to Leslie (and the list could go on!) - thank you again!!!!
I tagged you in my blog... check it out!
I can't wait for you to see it either! Well, my official due date is still set for January 18th, but because she's so big (She's measuring at 33 weeks when she's only at 31!) the doctor thinks she'll be here by the end of December.
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